The cool light of an overcast sky colors the late afternoon in the Latin Quarter and hints at the coming shadows of an evening in Paris. As in Villa Bocquet, the sidewalks of Thomas Pradzynski’s paintings are populated by the relics of a bygone era.
Classical architecture, featuring Roman archways, courtyards and fountains stands side by side with longstanding landmarks of local commerce: bookstores, cafes and artisanal establishments. Frescoed by time, hand-painted advertisements, the turn-of-the-century art of commerce, linger on walls punctuated by intimate balconies of neighborhood ateliers.
Not only the subject matter but also the exactness, detail and compositional richness of a Pradzynski arc obvious effects of this artist’s training as an architect. But it is the elegant sensitivity of the painter’s touch and the value he places on the romantic in the everyday that are qualities that define the man.
Loc: G.F.R. pp38b